Saturday, October 19, 2013

Today's walk report: 101913

Another ridiculously un-fall like October day.

Topping out at 93.2º. This is simply not right. Nevertheless, I got outside and did some yard work well before it got hot. My sister came by this morning and among other things brought me a hula hoe so I had to try it out and do some weeding.

I'm not exactly sure where the rest of the day went however. By 4:30 PM I was trying to get out the door to walk and from camera data it looks like I was on my way about 4:50.

There was this guy 300 or so meters in. Right over my head and not really giving me time to get the camera ready. Turkey vultures... huge, ugly birds, still impressive.

There is a marked increase in litter as I approach the college campus but some of it is happy litter.

Onto the campus and at the baseball field.

Just last weekend I thought about this egret and that it seemed about time for its return and what do you know... I'm sure this is the same bird I've photographed the last two years. However this time it didn't seem as bothered by my presence as it was in the past. It was also quite busy hunting and enjoying crawdads from the pond.

I spent a total of about 7 minutes watching and taking pictures. I think I saw it consume at least 6 crawdads in that amount of time.

Meanwhile a White Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) also looks on.

This is not the same Green Lynx Spider I've been taking pictures of the last several weeks. This is a different one about 50 meters from my regular subject. Notice the "nest" behind it. Had I not noticed that I don't think I would have ever seen the spider.

A giant shadow for a scrawny fence lizard.

Close up...

It was a really nice 8.79 km walk. It felt wonderful. Thanks for coming along.

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