Sunday, August 4, 2013

Today's walk report: 080413

Impending doom...

That's what I called this when I took a photo of it back in 2010. It ended up on Google Earth. This statue is about 1 block from my home. It's not on "State Property." The property is allegedly owned by some Hungarian guy who's obviously a bit eccentric. My understanding is he has a contractor's business. Other unusual and more unsightly items on the front of this guys property are some large, "convoy-style" military vehicles. Why? I have no idea. Apparently there were more complaints about this statue which I find both interesting and amusing than the big ugly trucks. His home is about 25 meters behind the statue and a good portion of the exterior walls are made up out of garage doors. Even more interesting, about 15 meters behind the primary residence there's a large, rather sprawling, Victorian style home which apparently isn't complete enough to live in. Some of the neighbors had been hoping he'd get that done, take out the front home and move some of his eccentricity out of sight. Most of my information, other than what I can see, is from one of my "walk friends" across the street from here. She's another person who ended back at her childhood home in order to help take care of her mother.

Here's what the layout looks like from Google Earth...

and this is from Google Street view... I'll see about adding a picture of the rear house in the next few days just for the sake of being complete.

Aside from all of this I was going to make a correlation with the message of the statue and my walk today. There was nothing new or different to get pictures of, at least nothing inspired me and for the most part I struggled with the whole thing and took some pretty substantial shortcuts just to get it over with.

I did get some shots of the "same old" and this one got me to look up these Milkweed Aphids (also called oleander aphids) and how one deals with them without disturbing the life-cycle of the monarch butterflies. I plan on trying to germinate Narrow-leafed milkweed seeds from this very plant for next year.

(Update 081113) Here's the rear house...

North face.

Facing west. I see now that there is some sort of ladder leading down from that door but I've got to think... this isn't up to code. I can't really see the lower portion of the house.

Zoomed out, west face. I think it might look interesting... if all of the foreground crap was gone and the place was nicely landscaped but I don't believe that will ever happen. You can see signs of age already. Going back to March, 2006 on Google Earth, historical imagery reveals some of the early construction on this with rooftops by 10/07. 


That's all folks!

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