Sunday, January 1, 2023

Today's walk report: Happy New Year 2023

Taking advantage of a break between rainstorms. From yesterday we've had 1.29" of rain. Precipitation for the season is 5.82" and more is forecast for tomorrow evening (Monday), Tuesday evening, much of Wednesday, Thursday, and perhaps Thursday evening. There's more predicted for next week and also the following week but let's face it, four days out is about as good as the forecasters ever get. Anyway, rain is a big deal in California and snow is even a bigger deal.

Docken and I started this walk together over the phone but it was also windy and wind noise was about all that was coming through so we said goodbye and I switched to music mode. 

Here are some pictures that were taken along the way. The campus was "closed" I only saw two people over the duration of the walk. Sweet! The walk was a little over an hour long.

There were a lot of crows out and about. The most I've seen in awhile.

These are not the mushrooms you're looking for.

The second shot, in front, that's a stinging nettle, common nettle (Urtica dioica) plant. Over the past few years I've found it difficult to get rid of those in my backyard. Every time I see one I pluck it but it's becoming a bit much. Maybe I wasn't paying attention before but it seems to be everywhere lately. While the plant has some culinary and medicinal uses, I'd prefer it just go away. As careful as I might be in pulling it up from it's base, taproot and all, I inevitably get impaled by its biochemical irritants.

This is a yellow-rumped warbler (Setophaga coronata). I missed the "in color" shot but I kind of like this composition,

Right around this time I decided to visit a vending machine and I picked up a Bang Energy Drink — Sour Heads. 16 OZ. Docken and I have shared Bang energy drinks before. I think this was the first time I've attempted to drink one solo. It wasn't a great idea. "Contains 300mg of caffeine to keep you energized throughout every activity of the day." I was flying, uncomfortably so but I did challenge the stairs, even if it only was due to synthetic energy. Yes, the stairs that are often compared to the staircases of the Batu-Caves of Kuala-Lumpur in Malaysia.

Near the top steps I realized something... Yesterday I saw that the buildings at the top had all been fenced off. I was trying to picture an opening. I looked around, there must be some kind of way outta here... Ah-ha! The way out was to climb more steps! A sign or two may have been a good idea though, one could have easily gone the wrong way.

Once again, the famous Elephant Mountain off to the east. The elephant is lying down, can't you see it?

Notice the Southwest Airlines jet about to become lost in the clouds.

Did I mention there were lots of crows? It's fun to watch crows fly in the wind. If you look for the synchronicity you will find it. 

The wind was nice against my back as I ventured down the hill heading back to my car. It was also nice to see the American flag blowing in the wind without some fat orange jerk trying to hump it.

Heading to the bottom of the hill, across from my favorite weather station. I wonder what the red lights are for. I don't think I'd care to be around when red lights were flashing from a weather station. It's certainly not tall enough to be an aircraft warning.

And the wind began to howl.

1 comment:

  1. A very fruitful walk ! The pic of the warbler is especially cool. Continuing a thought , how about naming Dusty’s nemesis “ Nasty”, if we want to go tribalistic 😎 As always , thanks for sharing your journey . Anonymous Trey
