Saturday, January 21, 2023

Today's walk report: 012123

 Lots of walkies this week (most sans reporting), here's today's...

If I didn't take pictures of male Calypte anna hummingbird, "Dusty" people might start to think, WTF?

Cancel culture.

Sylvilagus audubonii, catching some rays.

Up to the hilltop, not a lot of action. Sheep were once again off in the distance. Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away.*

This red-tailed hawk sort of saved the day but I wouldn't know it until I got back in my car and started down the hill. The bird looked especially "fluffy" to me but molt would have probably ended in October. Pretty bird nonetheless.

These shots were all taken from my car. To my surprise the hawk flew down right in front of me just as I began my descent from the hill. 

*What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?
Meek and obedient, you follow the leader

1 comment:

  1. Magnificent pics! And you’re right : if you didn’t include a Dusty gallery I would say WTF. 😎 Anonymous Trey
