Thursday, December 8, 2022

Update on Stan: 120822

 I know I should have done this earlier but I've been painfully busy. I mean literal pain was involved. I'm no spring chicken. I don't suppose I should advertise for "handyperson wanted" here on the blog, however... have you ever tried to find a handyman? And if you found one, then what happened? Hey, I have my own horror stories going back some 30+ years. So... never mind. 

Back to what I neglected to mention here. My most recent post was last Saturday, December 3rd and it began with a report on the lovely feral cat, Stan, who lives here when he feels like it. It's only a couple of paragraphs long but I'll provide the Cliff Notes version. Stan was hurt, he couldn't walk on his front right leg. It was day two of that and he was a no show the day before. Like a good, caring dad, I was concerned. Perhaps overly so but we (Docken, Lucy and I) are very fond of Stan.

Last Sunday, that would be December 4th, Stan showed up late for breakfast. I was anxiously looking for him every 5-10 minutes. I finally decided I needed to stop obsessing. I noticed late morning a lot of his dry food was gone and sure enough he was curled up in his house which sits on a 6' table on the patio (thank you, Docken). I left him alone and almost missed his departure. Fortunately, he had stopped to drink from a water bowl at the other end of the backyard. I spoke to him from the patio. I asked him if he'd like some Friskies. He licked his chops and I rushed inside to prepare a bowl. When I went back out he was waiting in the same spot, 30-something feet away. I put his dish down, patted my leg and said, come on Stan (this is an every morning ritual). I made sure he could hear the door click shut as I went back inside and watched from the living room windows. I saw him walk toward the patio--on all four paws! He was still favoring that right front leg but he was okay! Yay Stan! By Monday he seemed perfectly fine. Yay Stan!!

Anyway, I know there are some mystery folks who visit this silly blog on occasions and I thought I should report this to those mystery people just in case Stan tugged at their heartstrings last week. Here's Stan from this morning, post breakfast...

1 comment:

  1. That’s one handsome cat ! Anonymous Trey
