Saturday, December 10, 2022

Today's walk report: 121022

Another Dusty day.

The last confirmed sighting of the male Calypte anna hummingbird known as Dusty was on October 9th but here he is again and he was the star of the day. Rain is eminent sometime today but the forecast kept getting pushed to later and later in the day and now into the evening. Currently weather dot com is saying rain drops at 9 PM. When I went out this morning the forecast was for 3 PM. Here's the deal, it's going to rain and probably well into Sunday morning. I decided Friday evening that my best opportunity for a walk would be this morning. That's what I did.The temperature ranged between 51º and 54º through the course of my short trek.

Dusty was reliably where Dusty usually is. There isn't a lot of floral variety in his territory right now but there's a reasonable amount of Salvia leucantha, the Mexican bush sage and he seemed rather content with two large Tecoma capensis (Cape honeysuckle) shrubs that are flowering heavily.

Here are some pictures...

I wandered around quite a bit but wasn't finding too much I found appealing for picture taking. I decided to drive up to the top of the hill to see if any big birds were hanging out. Docken joined me on the phone, top o' hill. Thank you, Docken. It was quiet. No birds of prey and this common raven was the only corvid I witnessed. It took off as I approached.

Rounding the hilltop I took a shot of Elephant Mountain and headed back to my car. It was nice to get out and the cool air was invigorating.

I listened to a lot of music for much of the pre-walk morning and a good deal of the walk. I've also been listening to music for the duration of putting this post together.Just as I was typing the words, Rain is eminent sometime today, I heard this, Rain, come down, and fall forever... I found that amusing so here you go...

Ha! And as I proof read... 

Upon us all, upon us all, a little rain must fall 

Just a little rain...


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the feast of Dusty pics ! I have been missing our little friend. Perhaps he was visiting relatives for Thanksgiving? I can see it now. The whole family fluttering around a nectar cornucopia 😎 Anonymous Trey
