Sunday, December 25, 2022

Today's walk report: Christmas 2022

It was a wonderful, beautiful walk with Docken. The walk began right around 3:00 and it was 84ºF here in sunny southern California while much of the US is suffering under some extremely severe weather conditions. 

Here are some pictures...

I have to admit I laughed. So did Docken.

Male Calypte anna hummingbird Dusty, just hanging out.

There's always a mockingbird.

Docken and I braved the stairs to the top of the hill. These stairs have often been compared to the steps that run alongside the Niesen mountain railway in Switzerland.

Near the top, here's a shot of the world famous, Elephant Mountain off in the distance.

Cassin's kingbird (Tyrannus vociferans)

This school was nicknamed "Moo U" long ago, here's why...

And here's a dear long-time friend. There are 3 donkeys, (Equus asinus) on the campus. Donkeys may live up to 40 years.

Merry Christmas.

Special thanks to Docken for walking with me these past few days. Her company has been an extraordinary, extra special, delight.

1 comment:

  1. Delightful pics and report ! Especially like the one of Dusty pointing his beak skyward . Glad you and Docken are enjoying this time together. Anonymous Trey
