Saturday, March 26, 2022

Today's walk report: nothing to crow about

 In a nutshell, it was the wrong day to go for a walk on the local college campus. Not only were there "events" and classes going on, it was also registration day. Covid or no Covid it was way too crowded for me. At least I had good company on the phone with Docken. Fortunately I had chosen to drive onto the campus so aside from limited on foot activity (I walked maybe .75 miles) I did drive around a bit and I ran into this amazingly beautiful and quite large crow. Correction (10/13/22): This is a common raven, Corvus corax. I have a story forthcoming on my mis-IDing some birds. I’m alway game for someone coming onboard in the comments and correcting me.

Flying birds,
Excellent birds... This is the picture*

That's it. Tomorrow might be a better, quieter experience. There's been a lot going on at the homestead. I've gotten a little frantic about getting seeds started for some summer flowers. Some of this preparation was mentioned here. Namely the part about starting zinnia and Tithonia rotundifolia seeds in Jiffy peat pellets. What I discovered was... Tithonia rotundifolia won't germinate in Jiffy pellets, not for me anyway. I ended up investing in 3, 2.0 cu.ft. bags of Happy Frog potting soil on Tuesday the 22nd and started Tithonia seeds in red party cups on my patio table. They've already begun sprouting. I also repurposed the Jiffy pellets with zinnia seeds and they too have started sprouting. In one day! Monday rain is coming!

I went outside to look at the patio table to see if there was anything else I might want to mention about the propagation taking place (there's not) and lo and behold look who showed up for peanuts. I didn't get any peanut munching shots but I did catch the post mealtime bath. Here's Bowie!

Looks like I need to go rinse and refill the birdbath (thanks to Docken for the birdbath), so until next time... *

1 comment:

  1. My guess? That beautiful crow is a teenager. Still growing into his nose and thinks he looks good in a feather-do from the 80's. Stupid jokes aside, they're really great shots. And, Bowie, always a treat. In #7 she looks like she's posing again. What an exceptional little creature. A lot of pretty pictures for an, "I've got nothing", day. Many thanks. I loved 'em.
