Sunday, March 13, 2022

Today's walk report: 031322

 Too many people. I felt pulled and pushed around. Apparently today was the day for a contractor to come in and clean out all of the air-ducts in the classrooms on the college campus I frequent for walks and visits to its botanical garden. They were everywhere and they were cramping my style. Plus the workers were loud and they had crappy music playing. I decided to mostly make a walk of it. The walk ended up being 2.53 miles and I had Docken's company on the phone.

There was a red-tailed hawk flying next to this Cooper's hawk when I first spotted them but the Cooper's seemed to make a quick decision to go the other direction. In my post back on February 27th I indicated that red-tailed hawks were nest building in this same general vicinity. I wonder now if today's red-tailed hawk simply wasn't going to have anything to do with a competing hawk in its territory.

I saw male Calypte anna hummingbird "Dusty" in his usual perch but I didn't get a very good picture since humans were encroaching upon my space and I didn't feel like hanging out in their proximity. Plus it's rather creepy having dudes masked up wearing what looked like low-budget hazmat suits cleaning air-ducts nearby during a pandemic.

 I decided to head west for a change, in the direction of the campus livestock. Here are two of my donkey friends. We go way back. Somewhere I should have a video of me talking to these two and one other donkey probably taken in 2011, possibly 2012. Notice the wear in that post. That appears to be from at least the burro on the right chewing on it. A donkey toothbrush?

 Hey look! It's Vladimir Putin! Actually, Vlad already fell to the ground.

On my way out. 

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