Sunday, March 20, 2022

Today's walk report: 032022

 Spring sprang in but winter had something to say about it.

Heading to the local botanical garden mid-morning it was a cool 57º and the wind was blowing hard. At 6' 5", 220 lb I'm a relatively formidable human and there were moments walking into strong gusts where I was definitely applying extra effort. I was on the phone with Docken again. She was walking to her local botanical garden some 45 miles from my location and I know the wind against the microphone was making some conversation difficult. 

Picture taking was also a challenge, especially when the subjects were in flight. I saw some amazing crow flight acrobatics but even attempting to capture them on camera was an obvious... nope, ain't gonna happen.

Here's what I got.

The ever so reliable male Calypte anna hummingbird known as Dusty.

Up above and in another familiar spot for red-tailed hawks was this one. I think this may be one of the same birds I've been seeing in the general area for weeks now. They were nesting nearby. Notice the angle of its tail. The hawk was doing some amazing maneuvering in the wind.

Down below and in an odd spot were these two. I got the feeling they too were working on logistics for a nest.

Back in the garden Docken heard too a male and female mallard duck pair come flying in almost directly over my head and into the pond. Fond memories. Mallards can live up to ten years in the wild, could these be OUR ducks? Perhaps. Maybe even offspring of our famous ducks. I had a hard time getting a picture of the male. The pond is currently overgrown with cattails.

Despite the wind blowing dust into my eyes, it was (still is) a beautiful day. We got a little rain early in the morning, just enough to help clean the skies along with the blustery blasts of wind.

Back home, Stan was hanging out on the patio which was a real treat because he hadn't shown for breakfast on his normal at dawn schedule. He had already eaten quite a bit of dry food (AKA, squirrel food) but I brought him some Friskies pate. It's very usual for Stan to be out when it's windy. Sorry no pictures.

Shortly after Stan left I heard the wonderful scrub jay Bowie nearby and I called her by name while rattling peanuts on a paper plate until she showed up at the patio.

 That's all I've got. I hope you're having a beautiful 1st day of spring wherever you are. I know Docken did. She's probably looking at her pictures right now.


  1. The world is always a better place when cat and bird appear. The duck duo makes me smile real big, too. Then there's dependable Dusty, adorable as ever. Thanks a whole bunch for taking the time to share your beautiful pictures of beautiful birds on this beautiful day. Cherish every moment.

  2. Awesome walk report ! That view from underneath the hawk is spectacular.
