It was a 'no photos' neighborhood walk, actually three walks in one without a break for a total of 2.5 miles. Part one was just a walk, part two was continuing without pause to look and call for Stan. Yep, he's been AWOL again since Sunday. In the Stan search portion I covered 35-40 homes and I know of at least two houses whose occupants feed stray/feral cats. So there's that. Stan has other amenities here and I suspect the quality of food provided is vastly superior to what he's going to find elsewhere but I also realize both safety at night and feline company are important factors. My backyard is not especially safe for a cat sleeping on the patio at night. I've seen what raccoons can do. Also, his nemesis, Julius, was here again twice last night. Anyway, I hope he's home again soon. Besides, you may notice in this image of Julius from the trail camera that Stan's house is partially disassembled (flooring is on the chairs), that's because I washed them and his table (thank you, Docken) yesterday afternoon. Houses and his bed are still drying. Stan, your house got last minute spring cleaning!
Oh yeah, happy summer solstice and might I add... I think summer sucks.
The most significant aspect of today's walk was my simply getting out in the morning and doing it. Currently my goal is to get out and and back home before it hits 80ºF and I prefer to initiate my walk before it hits the mid-70ºs. Humidity is also a factor. Today is was 63º and 76% RH out the door.
Here are some backyard butterflies from yesterday, 6/19 and Tuesday, 6/18. They are Nymphalis antiopa, known as the mourning cloak in North America and Danaus plexippus, the monarch butterfly. The mourning cloak was doing dances in the air with the monarch, a cabbage white butterfly and even a hummingbird. Not only that but it also landed on the barrel of my 70-300 mm lens and just sat there while I was holding the camera. I didn't have my phone in my pocket or I would've taken a picture.
Monarch on butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii).
Monarch on Cleveland sage and a ficus tree.
The mourning cloak on Canary Island sage (Salvia canariensis).
Everyone loves monarchs , of course but I’m really captivated by the mourning cloaks . Just something about them I really love.