A male monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) on Tithonia rotundifolia. I'm losing these plants in my backyard now because, for purposes of picture taking, I planted them in a spot that gets partial shade. In the plant's effort to stretch they get a little too lanky to support the weight and begin to collapse.
Right after the monarch left this Flame Skimmer (Libellula saturata) dragonfly showed up. Did you know that in Louisiana they call dragonflies, mosquito hawks? It's true.
It's very far awayIt takes about half and a day to get thereIf we travel by my uh, dragonflyNo, it's not in SpainBut all the same you know, it's a groovy nameAnd the wind's just rightHey!
Mosquito hawk isn’t even the weirdest thing we say here 😎 Exquisite pics