Saturday, September 2, 2023

Today's walk report: Tropical

 I have moved to the tropics and am now farming bananas and coffee beans.

Okay, here's the deal... 13 days or so ago tropical storm Hilary was here and dumped 4.65" of rain upon my humble abode. Some cleanup was involved but generally speaking, I was overly prepared. Today, so far, my daily rainfall totals .10" and I'm pretty sure I'm getting some more between today and tomorrow. It's September 2nd! I'm in a hot-summer Mediterranean climate! Last Tuesday it hit 105º, the day before that it was 109º. That, unfortunately, is kinda normal except perhaps for rather high levels of relative humidity.

Here, some charts, for those so inclined...

Anyway, I sort of trusted weather dot com's hourly reporting but also needed to be a little more observant in looking out my windows but I decided to drive to my typical weekend walk location. You know, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. My camera hung by a strap on my right hip, covered with a plastic t-shirt bag. I only took it out for a few quick shots of the world famous, male Calypte anna hummingbird known as Dusty. Docken joined for the excursion over the phone (thank you, Dockie) and I decided it best to knuckle down, go ahead, get damp while putting in just enough walking for my body to recover from a poor night's sleep and then called it quits.

Here's Dusty. The best shot was missed while fumbling with the plastic bag covering the camera.

See, even Dusty was looking up and wondering what the deal was with the weather.

Sorry, Mr. Dylan but I absolutely abhor your voice so...



  1. Always adorable Dusty! Weather-bird, extraordinaire! D-rug-S. HA!

  2. PS - Nice Nanners. Side-yard plantation?

  3. Welcome to living in NOLA ! I don’t need a weather man to see which way the wind blows here. In fact I largely ignore local forecasting because it is so often wrong. Dusty looks simply splendid. We could use your rain. NOLA is over 20 inches behind . Nothing a couple of hurricanes can’t fix. Anonymous Trey
