Sunday, September 18, 2022

Today's walk report: 091822

I made me do it.

Docken joined me on the phone. Thanks Doc.

I took some pictures along the way.

When I turned the bend into the garden, I realized it was a much prettier day than my head was trying to tell me.

And there was male Calypte anna hummingbird, Dusty. He seemed perfectly normal, on his favorite twig.

He boldly flew up and south to chase a mockingbird. I thought, good for you Dusty, you show 'em who's boss around here! It's not about size, it's about courage and conviction. You can't let the fat loudmouth intimidate you.

 The bunny exclaims, right on! Let's end the clown show and stop the cruelty!

Meanwhile, I did what has become my recent lower level ritual lap around the the northwest 40 and spotted some more ancient car worshipers. This time it was an association that calls themselves, Classic Chevys of Southern California. "A Dedicated Group of Chevy Owners, and Enthusiasts, Established in 1976." You know, the cars weren't really that classic in 1976. I drive a car today that's almost 20 years old and have another one that's close to 30--like a month away from 30. I wouldn't call them "classic." But hey, I hope they're having fun and staying out of trouble. 

I did a second lap around the garden and then headed for my car to drive up the hill. On the way I spotted this little female Selaphorus sasin keeping her eye out on a crop of Tacoma stans flowers below.

Last week I walked over to the west edge of the hilltop to check out the livestock below and that's when I spotted a red-tailed hawk. No hawks today, so here's the livestock I was referring to.


The groovy goats.

Some Jersey cattle.

I went for a lap around the the top of the hill.

It appears some witch forgot where she parked her broom.

The sky was laughing somewhat ominously.

Coming back around to the car I spotted this pair of American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos). They were beak to beak when I first saw them. American crows are socially monogamous cooperative breeding birds. I believe they are much smarter than humans.

Breaking News... The Depth of Self-Delusion.

1 comment:

  1. Very enjoyable walk report. Dusty is THE MAN Really liked the sky pics. Ironically, I’m listening to Obscured By Clouds…..
