Thursday, September 22, 2022

Shameless self promotion

 But you know, somebody's got to do it.

Sponsored by the folks where I get my wildflower seeds. One of my photos has been chosen as a finalist for their Summer, 2022 photo contest. They will be awarding a $100 Grand Prize to one winner, and $50 Prizes for the runners-up. Either prize helps me a lot. I believe it's a gift certificate. That works for me.

My photo is labeled: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly on Tithonia rotundifolia (Mexican Sunflower) | By Eric P.

Just so there's no confusion and to add a little pizazz to this post, it is this image.

That's a full frame image by the way. It was taken with a Canon 70-300 mm lens coupled with a Canon 500D close-up lens, which means I was a mere 19.6" away from that butterfly.

Anyway, I'm asking for votes. Voting takes place at this link. Simply click the action button for my image at the bottom of the page and then scroll down the list of finalists, enter an email address (you can unsubscribe anytime, I have) and then click “submit your vote.” Thanks! 

Voting for the Grand Prize Winner will be open until Sunday, October 2, 2022.

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