A short walk, a little over 2 miles. Not a lot of action, quiet with some nice conversation with Docken on the phone. Not much on the photo front either.
This is the same great egret (Ardea alba) I took pictures of back on Halloween. The hummingbird is the famous male Calypte anna hummingbird named Dusty. It appeared he was following me for awhile.
I was about 290 meters away from the egret in the first images and I had commented to Docken that either my eyes were really tired and my ocular focus was whack or the bird had its beak open. My eyes were tired but I was sort of glad to see the egret did have its beak open and it also had some downy feathers stuck to it.
Note the beak and the egret down around it.
More preening.
I wasn't sure this was Dusty until I got home and had a closer look. He had been in the territory I'm used to seeing him just a few minutes before I walked to this spot, although, it's only 85 meters (93 yards) from where we normally hang out together. Earlier I watched him fly east of what I consider his regular territory until he disappeared from my vision. Then he showed up here.
I wasn't sure this was Dusty until I got home and had a closer look. He had been in the territory I'm used to seeing him just a few minutes before I walked to this spot, although, it's only 85 meters (93 yards) from where we normally hang out together. Earlier I watched him fly east of what I consider his regular territory until he disappeared from my vision. Then he showed up here.
That's all I've got today. Remember my tired eyes? Well, I might be due for a nice power nap. Only babies take naps. Adults, we take POWER naps. Thanks for tagging along.
If you photograph an egret a second time is that called a regret ? Duh dum ching. Lovely pics as always. Always good to see our charismatic friend Dusty.....