Saturday, November 27, 2021

Today's walk report: 112721

A late, about 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM, walk after driving onto the campus. A few laps around the botanical garden and then a schlep up the hill. Right now, after image edits, I seem to be having a carpal tunnel or tendonitis issue, some sort of WTF now thing, with my left hand into my forearm and I don't feel much like typing. So... here are some pictures with limited dialogue.

It's been awhile, away form the garden, but male Calypte anna hummingbird "Dusty" was still hanging in his usual hangs.

Onward and upward. There were two red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) about 68 meters (75 yards) apart. We've probably seen these same birds before. These shots were taken from approximately 45 meters away. 

First shot, from near the bottom of the hill.

Now topside. Look at the eyes. Has this bird been doing poppers or something? 

Oh wait... I might have figured it out. Even though I lost focus it was about to poop here. Note the tail starting to move upward. After this I lost focus. Aren't you fortunate.

All done. Looks a little more normal to me.

B. jamaicensis #2, slightly east. Please remember this bird is really far away. A 300 mm lens doesn't really cut it but that's what I've got.

There's always a mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos).

The famous "finches four".

 And of course this crew...

Outside the "fine arts” buildings...

Not much action. The nice part was talking with Docken on the phone the whole while. Thanks Dockie!

One other thing. Last post, Introducing Bowie, I mentioned at the end of that post that I needed to go find some acorns for Bowie and Mr. B. Well, I found some, what I believe are Quercus lobata, commonly called valley oak acorns today. I put these out with peanuts and wild bird food and the two of them went straight for the acorns. I'll have to go pick up some more tomorrow.

This was the second acorn picked up by Bowie. She struggled a little but she managed.

 And here's Mr. B with the one he also snagged from the patio table.

That's all I've got, allow me to exit this and seek some sort of hand therapy. Thanks for joining in. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. As always , thanks for taking us along. I’m always blown away by your photography! Hope your hand is better real soon. Getting old is a bitch
