Sunday, May 23, 2021

Today's walk report: 052321

 Here are some wide shots I missed yesterday for lack of proper lenses. I'm not adding any descriptions. I have a lot to do today. But note the last shot, of the palo verde tree, the tree I took pictures of yesterday which has had some major lower branches cut off. Also, the first palo verde tree when you walk into the garden has been seriously cut back. Most of this doesn't matter, you didn't see it before, unless you go back and scour this blog, it doesn't matter. Docken will know, so these pictures are mostly for Docken. For me there seems to be a balance between that which has become overgrown and that which has been seriously cut back or removed. There are also numerous new plants being established. It's yin and yang.

One other thing, the significance of the crow shot. Both yesterday and today I drove part way in, near the campus, mostly because I wasn't sure what would happen once I got there. Even though I was told it would be okay to do what I wanted to do I was a little apprehensive. Today, less than 1/4 mile into walking onto the campus, I had a photo op for a much better crow image. That's when I discovered "no card". Yep, I had forgotten to take the card out of my computer yesterday and put it back in the camera. So, back to the car, back home and I shot about 25 minutes in the process but it was a heck of a lot better than being over a mile in and discovering I couldn't take pictures. So, the first crow warned me to turn back. This might even be the same crow, only the crow knows for sure.

 PS, the computer I've been using for this blog for almost 11 years is about to bite the big one. I've never used a computer consistently across such a long span of time before. My computing world is about to change dramatically. For one, I'm pretty much saying goodbye to all Adobe products. I actually Beta tested some Adobe software way back when. The first version of Photoshop I ever used was .87. It was an Alpha version not for distribution. That was in 1989. I was a small child 😏. I also sold at least hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Adobe software in my lifetime and all I ever got were some nick-knacks and t-shirts. Thanks Adobe! Anyway, there may or may not be a pause on things here. I'm about to find out.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. Yeah , when crows are around something bad just happened or is about to. The crow knows.
