Friday, July 28, 2023

Today's walk report: I should probably hydrate

 Out somewhat reluctantly at sunrise. I wasn't expecting to walk very far but Stan arrived around dawn, at least that's when I was notified by Lucy. So cats were fed early. They both got some freshly baked chicken breast too (no added salt.) Lucy goes nuts for chicken. Stan too had no qualms and picked through his Friskies for chicken first. 

Along the way I looked at a long straight stretch in front of me, knowing just how much farther I'd need to go, beyond the walk I had planned, to make it at least a 2 mile walk as opposed to the 1.63 miles I left the house intending to accomplish. Once I hit the mile mark a thought crossed my mind... You didn't guzzle any water before you left, you should probably hydrate. I decided I'd splurge, it was .16 miles (284 yards, 260 meters) to a vending machine, I'll go grab a Gatorade. Gatorade, $2.50. However, there was a change to the vending machine protocols that I wasn't anticipating...

Call me old fashioned, call me paranoid but I wasn't gonna give a vending machine my debit card. Apple Pay, I've considered setting that up but haven't gotten there yet. Anyway, no Gatorade for me. 

I decided on a quick lap around the botanical garden. 

I looked around for flying friends but didn't see them and the concept, you should probably hydrate resurfaced. I went old school, probably took in about 1/2 liter and headed home.

The total walk was 2.60 miles (4.18 km). I felt good about it and that's all that really matters.

Along the way... 

1 comment:

  1. Cash is slowly becoming obsolete. Or we’re just getting old. Or both.
