Once again I've been a tad remiss on tackling this "report" with the kind of regularity that once took place and it's probably all for the better. Walks continued for all but two days since my last report but evening time and energy that has gone into a regular report has been better spent enjoying companionship with my girl, Docken. It's okay, she likes me calling her
my girl. The thing is, these reports have taken in excess of 5 hours some evenings and if the choice is between that and spending time with in a caring, loving and really fun relationship... well, you get the picture.
And here are some other pictures from our walks together taken between May 20th and today, May 26th, Memorial Day, 2014. Included are a few shots from the rapidly dwindling home garden wildflowers.
On our way into the garden, I found this little guy on Docken's shirt.
Docken's mantis. |
Flower remnants. |
Cornflower. |
Wild roses. |
Fly on Plains Coreopsis. |
Grass Skipper on bog sage. |
Eucalyptus leaves. |
1st we stopped to observe the burger, then we saw this. The male was going back and forth between the burger and feeding his mate. Really cute.
Bee on white sage. |
3 doves on a wire. |
Blue nolina. |
Blue nolina, close-up. |
Nezara viridula, commonly known as the southern green stink bug or green vegetable bug--a plant-feeding stink bug. |
Nezara viridula, this is a nymph. they lose virtually all of the colored pattern by adulthood. |
Papaver rhoeas, aka, Shirley poppy. |
Western fence lizard. |
I have mis-identified hummingbirds in the past and in fact have some corrections I'd like to do. I'm pretty sure that this is a 1st though. Black-chinned hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri. This was unfortunately the best shot I got of the bird's iridescent feathers below its chin.
Purple sage. Needs ID. |
Plains Coreopsis. |
California poppies and a very tiny bug. Can you find it? |
Paper wasp on silver sage. |
Rufous hummingbird on Red Mountain Sage. |
2 |
Colias philodice, aka, Clouded Sulphur, a little beat up--beauty with character. |
Red tailed hawk, surveying... |
and in pursuit. |
Red-eared slider turtle. |
Some Grevillia. |
Black-chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri. |
Red-eared slider turtle. |
Rufous hummingbird. |
Rufous hummingbird. |
Statice perezii. |
Purple sage, needs ID. |
Black-chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri. |
Probably a female Blue-eyed Darner, Rhionaeschna multicolor. Females have no blue. |
Evening primrose. |
Thoughtful idea. |
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